
stay just as green and lively as the fields above and take inspiration from every form of life !!

Monday 20 August 2012


The Search
There comes a point in your life when all seems perfect and worthwhile
Everything seems pretty,lively and you know that it is more than alright
You have your friends trust
And people you look up to you.
You have achieved the heights...
Even though you give your best all the time..
Still fall short just few steps before the line...

You try try and try...
And you need just a push...
By a person too selfless to you...
By the person who has your soul...
By the one who cares...
By the one who shares your joys and despairs...

At this time I am looking for such a soul...
It has been a quite a prolonged wait...
But I Just cannot find...
For the one I am still waiting...
I am telling the world that she will come one day...
Fall in my arms and take away my soul...
And give me peace...
I hope that the wait is worth it....

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