
stay just as green and lively as the fields above and take inspiration from every form of life !!

Monday 24 September 2012


There was a time
When I was pure
A time when I was sure
I wanted to achieve
I wanted to learn

I wanted to earn
Not money, a name
Not just success, not just fame
I learnt to earn honour
There was a time
When success had a meaning
I used to work for it
Every end used to meet
Praises rang so sweet to ears,
I used to feel it pull my goals nearer
Days changed to years and the world grew big.
My goals did not change, but my world slowly did.
With years, my age grew,
With age grew my pride,
And every day, I learnt something new,
Of the ways the world survived.
I learned I had responsibilities,
And that every man has his share
So I laid my own world second,
To the world that owned mw,
By then my golden years had flown.
Now I had too many dreams before me,
All had to go well, I couldn’t let the system Ignore me,
Cross roads to choose from, with milestones crossed,
Like faces to choose down from, when coins are tossed,
Ran in my head, all the faith upon me,
Lost hopes and broken dreams that they laid upon me,
I chose all the maps that seemed to be right,
And to set out to succeed with all of my might…
Now the road is too long, and I have lost my map,
But their hopes are still high and mine is snapped
I want to jump off and get back home,
Re – toss the coins and re choose the roads.
This cannot shape my life; this is just a race,
I can’t seem to drive myself at such high pace,
Their ‘success’ is different.

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