
stay just as green and lively as the fields above and take inspiration from every form of life !!

Monday 25 March 2013

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.


Gaah don't worry, I'm no cry baby, I'm just trying to give an insight to people as to how to deal with bull shit (because i'm unoccupied at the moment) :P. Well honestly you don't need to try that hard, you can always avoid getting fooled. As i say, don't trust the words, because people might say things they don't mean. That's easy- piece of cake; but take a look at their actions, closely, for they will never act against their will, no matter what. So the next time someone comes and apologizes to you for the same mistake "again", ask him to shove it up his ass 'cause you mean business. :P I mean honestly, for how long will you choose to be forgiving, u aint no forgiving angel, you are just a goddamned human being!

Yes, you know why, because no matter how many times you scream to yourself or an optimistic fool screams into your ears that you are the one who controls your life, it depends on quite a long list of things that are beyond your control, its a fact. Duck it, our birth is not in our control, neither is our death, we can't control falling in love or out of it, on the flip side you can not help yearning for someone who couldn't care less about you, forget about the person of your choice; we can't help dreaming, we can't stop laughing when it is most required (students won't disagree). I remember having a casual chat wid one of my friends just a day before our grand viva. She had some issues wid her name beginning wid the letter "A". Quoting her, "why couldn't my parents name me 'Fuck'!, atleast A se toh nai hota". I still admire her amazing sense of humor. So see! Its kind of tough to sustain and easy to complain.

heheh.. man i'm on fire. So what's the solution, well nothing objective, in a law student's words "it depends on the facts and circumstances" as the case may be. You just need to learn to overlook certain aspects, create a blind spot in your conscience and everything will slowly start falling into place. You need to make a choice and stick to it, and you'll always get to know what that choice is (unless, you don't have brains). Like see, of course i can not control certain things, but they are like the fixed factors i have in hand waiting to be put to use. I don't need to control/hide whatever i feel all the time. Sometimes i just need to show my vulnerable side or my bitch avtar, just to be sure as to who is going to stand by me. I can not expect to win all the time, but yes I can always choose to try. Winning or losing is just a matter of luck, after all we're just noobs when it comes to "Life".
And life never kills you, it only makes you stronger, each passing day.

PS Sorry for the forbidden language.. but then you can always choose to overlook things.

Wednesday 13 March 2013


Let the sunshine lighten your way and lead you for eternity.
From dawn to dusk let it give you its strength, its shine.
Just as it is sincere to the world, rising every day for all our well being selflessly.

Let the moon give you solace & calmness with its moonlight showing you the path in darkness.
Let the stars twinkle and shower their happiness on you.
Let those angels wave their wand for you and your wishes come true.
Let these trees bless you with their greenery, give you shade in your path of life
Let the seas give you the vastness and diversity, their power and serenity.
All these are my prayers for you.
I hope may the nature and spirits always bless you.