
stay just as green and lively as the fields above and take inspiration from every form of life !!

Wednesday 13 March 2013


Let the sunshine lighten your way and lead you for eternity.
From dawn to dusk let it give you its strength, its shine.
Just as it is sincere to the world, rising every day for all our well being selflessly.

Let the moon give you solace & calmness with its moonlight showing you the path in darkness.
Let the stars twinkle and shower their happiness on you.
Let those angels wave their wand for you and your wishes come true.
Let these trees bless you with their greenery, give you shade in your path of life
Let the seas give you the vastness and diversity, their power and serenity.
All these are my prayers for you.
I hope may the nature and spirits always bless you.

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